OP IN ONE HOUR - Ninja Gaiden 2 Black Infinite Essence Farm in Chapter 1 - Get Maxed Out Early!

OP IN ONE HOUR - Ninja Gaiden 2 Black Infinite Essence Farm in Chapter 1 - Get Maxed Out Early!

We are so back baybee. Ninja Gaiden 2 is one of my favorite trilogy of games (yes, there's three of them now...somehow) and they brought essence farming back dude! So let's get busted, shall we? DARK SOULS 1 BEGINNER GUIDE:    • OP IN ONE HOUR - Dark Souls Remastere...   DARK SOULS 2 BEGINNER GUIDE:    • OP IN ONE HOUR - Dark Souls 2 Scholar...   DARK SOULS 3: BEGINNER GUIDE:    • OP IN ONE HOUR - Dark Souls 3 Ultimat...   DEMON'S SOULS BEGINNER GUIDE:    • OP IN ONE HOUR - Demon's Souls Royalt...   FALLOUT 4 BEGINNER GUIDE:    • OP IN ONE HOUR - Fallout 4 Ultimate B...   BLACK MYTH WUKONG SKILL GUIDE:    • OP IN ONE HOUR - Black Myth: Wukong C...   Steam Curator: https://store.steampowered.com/curato... BlueSky: https://bsky.app/profile/threeminuteg... Twitter:   / 3minutegamempass   Timeline 0:00 - Introduction 0:22 - Part 1: The Farm 1:23 - Part 2: Tips n Tricks 3:00 - Conclusion Want to support me? Buy some stuff! (Amazon Affiliate) ----Game Stuff 3 Months Game Pass: https://amzn.to/3FCILA1 3 Months Playstation Plus: https://amzn.to/3FaNt6v ----My Setup Blue Yeti Mic: https://amzn.to/3HlowYU Mic Arm: https://amzn.to/3hf725z Elgato 4k Capture Card: https://amzn.to/3Y0vM2h Sony XM4 Headphones: https://amzn.to/3Y0vM2h #videogamereview #pcgaming #playstation #nintendoswitch #xbox #xboxseriesx #xboxseriess #playstationplus #pcgamepass #xboxgamepass #ninjagaiden2black #ninjagaiden #ninjagaiden2 #ninjagaidensigma2