BEST EARLY GAME MINECRAFT 1.21.4 IRON FARM | New Easy & Efficient Design

BEST EARLY GAME MINECRAFT 1.21.4 IRON FARM | New Easy & Efficient Design

Building an Iron Farm Has Never Been Easier! Build this in your base, or wherever you spend most of your time for the most benefit! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a simple and efficient iron farm for Minecraft Java 1.21.4. It features a clever auto-sorting, crafting, and poppy disposal system to keep everything organized. Let’s get started! Please note, this is not a Bedrock iron farm! Schematic: Material List for Iron Farm ------------------------------------------- Smooth Stone: 302 Brown Carpet: 48 Smooth Stone Slab: 27 Oak Sign: 24 String: 24 White Carpet: 24 Glass: 19 Hopper: 12 White Bed: 12 Lava Bucket: 9 Redstone Dust: 9 Water Bucket: 9 Chain: 8 Redstone Comparator: 6 Chest: 4 Light Gray Concrete Powder: 4 Redstone Repeater: 4 Activator Rail: 3 Crafter: 2 Detector Rail: 2 Dispenser: 2 Dropper: 2 Observer: 2 Redstone Torch: 2 Temporary Fence Post: 2 Temporary Rail: 1 Cobblestone Wall: 1 Sticky Piston: 1 Stone Brick Wall: 1 Hopper Minecart: 1 Command Used to spawn in pillager for testing purposes this will spawn a pillager 2 blocks above where you place the command block /summon minecraft:pillager ~ ~2 ~ {Brain: {memories: {}}, HurtByTimestamp: 527, CanJoinRaid: 1b, PatrolLeader: 0b, Invulnerable: 0b, FallFlying: 0b, PortalCooldown: 0, AbsorptionAmount: 0.0f, FallDistance: 0.0f, DeathTime: 0s, HandDropChances: [0.085f, 0.085f], PersistenceRequired: 1b, Patrolling: 0b, Motion: [0.0d, -0.027606346919882147d, 0.0d], Health: 23.0f, LeftHanded: 0b, Air: 300s, OnGround: 0b, Rotation: [-151.42819f, -40.0f], HandItems: [{}, {}], Wave: 0, ArmorDropChances: [0.085f, 0.085f, 0.085f, 0.085f], CustomName: '"Mob"', Fire: -1s, ArmorItems: [{}, {}, {}, {}], CanPickUpLoot: 1b, attributes: [{id: "minecraft:movement_speed", base: 0.3499999940395355d}, {id: "minecraft:follow_range", modifiers: [{amount: 0.017671767798862415d, id: "minecraft:random_spawn_bonus", operation: "add_multiplied_base"}], base: 32.0d}], HurtTime: 0s, Inventory: []} 0:00 Time-lapse and Intro 0:30 Explanation 3:06 Schematic Available on 3:25 Tutorial: Base 3:53 Tutorial: Autocrafting System 4:25 Tutorial: If you know, you know... 4:45 Tutorial: Poppy Disposal System 6:00 Tutorial: Item Sorting System 7:05 Tutorial: Activator Rails, NOT POWERED RAILS!! 10:25 Tutorial: Killing Chamber (Minecart Placement) 10:25 Tutorial: Walls 13:20 Tutorial: I Saw the Sign 14:19 Tutorial: More Killing Chamber 14:25 Tutorial: Spawning Platform 15:42 Tutorial: Pillager Cage 17:04 Tutorial: Villager Sleeping Pods (NOT A PRISON) 17:15 Tutorial: ok ok... It's a Prison lol 20:50 Tutorial: Fluid Dynamics (adding the water and lava) 21:30 Farm Complete! 21:45 Expanding the Poppy Storage 22:46 Tip 1: Villager placement in survival 24:55 Not the Children! 25:14 Tip 2: Breaking the Pillager Crossbow 25:28 Join The Discord for help 26:40 Killing Cats 27:02 End