Alex O’Connor vs 25 Christians on Jubilee?! Christian Reacts

Alex O’Connor vs 25 Christians on Jubilee?! Christian Reacts

Alex O’Connor (Cosmic Skeptic) recently appeared on Jubilee’s “25 Christians vs 1 Atheist” debate, and I have some thoughts! In this video, I want to break down his objections and provide some informal defenses for Christianity so that you can be better prepared to defend the hope that is within you as you engage these arguments on your own. Plus, I get into whether or not Mormons are Christians at the end of the video. What did you think about this discussion? Was Alex O’Connor right? Let me know your thoughts in the comments and what you want me to react to next! Make sure to subscribe on YouTube: @nistry For more resources, visit @ Follow us: on Instagram @istries/profilecard/ on Spotify:⁠ @ast/the-four-fold-disciple/id1505547928 on Apple Podcast: @ast/the-four-fold-disciple/id1505547928 my reading list:⁠ @ow/74696644-christian-barrett