Ultimate Hoya Plant Collection Tour 2024: Rating 116 Varieties from 5 to 1 Stars!✨🌱

Ultimate Hoya Plant Collection Tour 2024: Rating 116 Varieties from 5 to 1 Stars!✨🌱

Welcome to the ultimate tour of my Hoya plant collection! Join me as I guide you through 116 stunning varieties, each meticulously rated on a scale from 5 stars to 1 star, showcasing the best and the not-so-great specimens in my garden. From the exquisite Hoya clemensiorum to the vibrant Hoya sunrise, discover the unique characteristics, care tips, and my personal experiences with each plant. Whether you're a seasoned Hoya Head or a curious beginner, this comprehensive tour promises to inspire and inform, helping you navigate the world of Hoya plants with confidence. So grab your green thumb and let's dive into the wonderful world of Hoya! Try not to go down the Hoya rabbit hole too quickly though, watch at your own discretion. 😁💚