Subcutaneous Nodules  ; Definition, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Subcutaneous Nodules ; Definition, Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Subcutaneous nodules are firm lumps that form under the skin. They can vary in size, texture, and cause2. Here are some key points about subcutaneous nodules: Overview Definition: Subcutaneous nodules are palpable, solid lesions that are greater than 10 millimeters in diameter and located just beneath the skin. Types: They can be cystic (filled with fluid or other substances) or solid. Causes Infections: Bacterial or fungal infections can lead to the formation of subcutaneous nodules. Inflammation: Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis can cause inflammatory nodules. Trauma: Contusions or injuries can result in subcutaneous nodules. Cysts: Ganglion cysts or sebaceous cysts are common types of subcutaneous nodules. Tumors: Lipomas (benign fatty tumors) and other types of tumors can present as subcutaneous nodules. Symptoms Appearance: They can be soft, firm, or painful. Movement: Some nodules are fixed to the skin, while others are freely moveable. Skin Changes: The overlying skin may show color changes, redness, or numbness. Diagnosis Physical Examination: A healthcare provider will examine the nodule to determine its characteristics. Imaging: Ultrasound or other imaging techniques may be used to assess the nodule. Biopsy: In some cases, a biopsy may be performed to determine the nature of the nodule. Treatment Observation: Some nodules may resolve on their own without treatment. Medications: Antibiotics for infections or corticosteroids for inflammatory conditions. Surgery: Surgical removal may be necessary for persistent or problematic nodules #SubcutaneousNodules