Is My Cat Pregnant? How To Tell if Your Cat Is Pregnant (Top 10 Signs)
The most beloved pet in America is the cat. There are over 100 million cats in the world. They live with people in all 50 states. About a third of households keep cats indoors, but we still don't know much about how cats spend their time when they are left alone. Today's video will cover seven signs that your cat might be pregnant. Listen to this video if your cat is pregnant or you want to check that she's healthy and happy. Her Heat cycles: Like all mammalian females globally, female cats go through a monthly "heat" when she becomes receptive to mating. How To Tell If Your “CAT is PREGNANT” 7 Signs To Watch Out! [NEW]. When they are in heat, dogs will meow constantly. However, female cats can display subtle behaviors that can be difficult to spot if you don't know what else to look for. Your cat might be following males around your house or rubbing up against them. You might notice her sitting pretty, with her tail up and her head held high. Their Nipples Look Different - The "kitten nubs" are a type of nipple that can be found in female cats. They protrude from their fur and look like two little nubs. How To Tell If Your “CAT is PREGNANT” 7 Signs To Watch Out! [NEW]. You can also see their milk through the protruding nipples. As they nurse their kittens, cats will often gain weight. You can see the nipples sticking out of the fur as they may produce milk.