Nearer, My God to Thee - piano solo arranged by Jerald Simon (Hymns of Exaltation)

Nearer, My God to Thee - piano solo arranged by Jerald Simon (Hymns of Exaltation)

SUBSCRIBE To my YOUTUBE Channel: Listen to the album, Hymns of Exaltation, on any streaming site. Pianists have requested various levels for the sheet music for this arrangement. There are three books featuring the music from Hymns of Exaltation (according to skill level): Hymns of Exaltation (the original - late intermediate - advanced) Hymns of Exaltation (early intermediate level) Hymns of Exaltation (beginner level) Here is the link to download the PDF book (original version): The paperback book is available on Amazon at this link (original version): The PDF book is available from my website at this link (original version): The spiral bound version of the book is available from my website at this link (original version): The Early Intermediate and Beginning Level books will soon be available from Amazon and my website (later this week). If you know anyone else who would enjoy this video, please share it with them. We’d love to have you give this video a thumbs up, like it, and share it with others. Learn more about me and my company, Music Motivation®, on my website: You can visit this link to learn more about me (Jerald Simon): You can buy all of my books as individual PDF books or studio licenses (for piano teachers) on my website at this link: If you would like to buy any of my books as paperback books, you can buy them on my Amazon page at this link: You can buy the spiral bound book set of my best-selling series: Essential Piano Exercises, at this link: My book, "100 Left Hand Patterns Every Piano Player Should Know" (Play the Same Song 100 Different Ways - Includes the FUN Fake Book), has sold over 50,000 copies on Amazon at this link: - Here is the link for the Essential Piano Exercises Series on Amazon: You can buy all of my books and courses as a bundle at this link: Piano teachers can buy a lifetime studio license for all of my books and courses at this link: Here is the link to purchase my books as PDF books: Here is the link to purchase my books as Studio Licenses (for piano teachers): Download a FREE 130 page PDF book I have created to help motivate piano students (especially teens and adults): Learn more about my best-selling piano series, Essential Piano Exercises Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon at this link: https://www.essentialpianoexercises.c... - Sign up Today! ✅ Essential Piano Exercises by Jerald Simon ✅ 100 Left Hand Patterns Every Piano Player Should Know by Jerald Simon ✅ Essential Jazz Piano Exercises by Jerald Simon ✅ Essential New Age Piano Exercises A few years ago I began composing COOL SONGS for my own piano students. It was a way to motivate or inspire them to keep playing the piano through original compositions I composed specifically for them. Learn more about my COOL SONGS at this link on my website: I (Jerald), try to be an additional resource and help out as time permits. Please connect with me on the following platforms and social media sites: YOUTUBE:    / jeraldsimon   Face Book: Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Listen to my music on the following sites: Pandora: Spotify: iTunes: Amazon: Some links above are affiliate links. I may receive compensation at no additional cost to you.