Manual Testing Part-1 20+ Interview Questions and Answers for Quick Revision for Jobs |FASTQA|
🔍 Manual Testing Part-1: 20+ Interview Questions and Answers for Quick Revision |FASTQA| 🚀 Welcome to FASTQA! Are you preparing for a manual testing interview and need a quick revision of the key concepts? You've come to the right place! In this video, we cover 20+ essential interview questions and detailed answers to help you ace your next interview. For More tips on Interviews please Subscribe ,Like , Share ,Comment If you are Interested in a Software Testing Course ,Then Contact us 📞 91088 20888 Most frequently asked interview questions on Manual Testing are below.. What is a Defect Why do software have defects? SDLC models SDLC vs STLC Explain Defect/Bug Life Cycle Severity Vs Priority Give exampes of 4 combinations of Severity and Priority Why did you choose software testing as a career? What are the skills required for a sofware tester Difference between Test Scenario and Test case Fields in a Defect Template Inconsistent or non-reproducable defect Cosmetic Defect Deferred Defect Invalid Defect Duplicate Defect Masked Defect Latent Defect Blocker or Showstopper Defect What are the different Severity Levels Types of Testing Difference between Alpha vs Beta Testing Difference between User Acceptance Testing "Please arrange the sequence the following types of testing Beta--smoke-Integration-Unit-API-Functional-Regression_UAT-Sanity" Exploratory Testing Risk Based Testing Difference between Smoke vs Sanity Difference between Retesting vs Regression Difference between Positive vs Negative Difference between System vs End to End Testing Difference between Globalization vs Localization vs Internationalization Difference between Adhoc vs Exploratory Difference between Black vs White Vs Grey When do you stop testing What is Test Data What is Environment What is Test bed Difference between Static vs Dynamic Testing Difference between Error,Defect,Bug,Failure,Fault,Anamoly What is Accessibility Testing What is Performance Testing Load Stress Volume Endurance Security Testing Difference between UI vs Back end Difference between Unit vs Integration Difference between Unit vs API What are drivers and stubs in Integration testing Why do we do automation testing Compatibility testing Browser Compatibility/Cross Browser testing Test Design Techniques you know BVA(Boundary Value Analysis) ECP(Equivalence Class Partitioning) DT(Decision Table) ST(State Transition) EG(Error Guessing) What is RTM or Requirement Traceability Matrix What is BiDirectional RTM How do you make sure that testing is completed? What will you do/How will you handle if developer does not agree that it is a defect? Test Plan vs Test Strategy Test Deliverables Entry Criteria and Exit Criteria in a Test Plan What is test coverage What is Cause Effect Principles of testing What are the different Environment in your project How many test cases you author or design or write per day? How many test cases you execute per day? Best Practices for writing test cases Levels of Testing How will you handle if you get a production defect How will you handle if developer is not agreeing to your defect? Very limited time to release the product Explain about the most important defect you have found? How will you approach testing for any requirement or user story? How will you overcome the challenge of having limited/inaccurate documentation for testing? Why is regression testing in agile methodology challenging and how will you handle it?