Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About Beetlejuice

Top 10 Things You Didn't Know About Beetlejuice

Discover the top 10 things you didn't know about Beetlejuice in this video! From hidden Easter eggs to behind-the-scenes facts, this review will give you a whole new perspective on the classic film. Get ready to dive into the bizarre and fascinating world of Tim Burton's Beetlejuice! Released in 1988, this quirky blend of horror and comedy has since become a cult classic, but did you know there's a lot more to this film than meets the eye? In this video, we reveal the top 10 things you probably didn't know about Beetlejuice. From its original title and Michael Keaton's improvisation to hidden behind-the-scenes details and iconic scenes that almost didn't happen, we uncover secrets that will make you appreciate the film on a whole new level. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a newcomer, these facts are sure to surprise you. Watch now to discover what makes Beetlejuice truly one-of-a-kind! Let us know in the comments which "Beetlejuice" fact surprised you the most? Watch more great videos here: Henry Cavill and why he REALLY Left The Witcher    • Why Henry Cavill Really Left The Witc...   Stranger Things 5 will be COMPLETELY different    • The Stranger Things 5 Twist That Will...   THE WITCHER 4 I The cast and Liam Hemsworth as Garalt of Rivia    • Liam Hemsworth Takes Over as Geralt o...   #Beetlejuice #Movies #Comedy #Horror #80s #TimBurton #ThingsYouDidntKnow #Facts #MichaelKeaton #BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice