Shopping at the Grocery Store - kids songs  - Baby songs and More Nursery Rhymes - Kids Songs

Shopping at the Grocery Store - kids songs - Baby songs and More Nursery Rhymes - Kids Songs

#soundvariations #wheelsonthebus #kidssongs #nurseryrhymes #wheelsonthebus #soundvariations #kidssongs #kidsentertainment #babyshark #childrenssongs #kids #signlanguage #kidssongs Grocery Store is a fun and interactive song that takes children on a musical adventure through the aisles of a grocery store. The song introduces kids to all the exciting things they can find at the store—fruits, vegetables, snacks, and more—while encouraging them to sing along, dance, and learn about the items on their shopping list. With a catchy, upbeat tune, the song invites children to imagine what it's like to go shopping with family, pushing a shopping cart, and picking out their favorite foods 🎶Lyrics: In the grocery store we have fun, fun, fun Whatever we want, we'll get one, one, one We find there veggies and we find there peas Let us fill our basket with some chocolate please We pick our bread and we pick our meat and we choose everything we like to eat everything is there, so why the wait?! Come on, let's go and don't be late late late! In the grocery store we have fun, fun, fun Whatever we want, we'll get one, one, one We find there gum and we find magazines And we fill our baskets with some jelly beans We pick our chicken, cheese, fries and steak and now we are ready, let’s go buy a cake everything is there, so why the wait?! Come on, let's go and don't be late late late! Watch our playlists: Super Coco New Music Edition | 2021 Best Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs | The Colors Song | Boo Boo Song | Bath Song    • Super Coco New Music Edition | 2021 B...   Lolo Cartoon School Teathre    • Lolo Cartoon School Teathre   Super Coco Best Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs | ABC Song | Merry Christmas Song | Baby Coco | Baby Shark    • Super Coco Best Nursery Rhymes & Kids...   About Lolo Cartoon School Teather : Where kids can be funny , happy , lovely and smart! Lolo Cartoon School Teather Cartoon 3D animation Will Help all kids For learning a fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D animation, educational lyrics, and infectious, toe-tapping music. Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our Nursery Rhymes while they learn their Pre School (Numbers, Alphabet, Colors, Numbers, Animals Lolo Cartoon School Teather is a registered trademark of Viola TV. For distribution and more information, visit and contact us at #ChildrensSongs #BabyShark #SignLanguage #BusCartoonRhymes#buscartoonrhymes #babysong #babystar #kidsvideos #FunForKids #FamilyFriendly #KidsArtAndCrafts #nerseryrhymes #wheelsonthebus #soundvariations #kidssongs #signlanguage #childrenssongs #KidsChannel #ChildrensAnimals #KidsDance #NurseryRhymes #EducationalKids #ChildrensContent #FunForKids #KidsEntertainment #FamilyFriendly #AnimatedAdventures