First New Year's Eve Experience in Times Square NYC Countdown to 2025 Featuring Jonas Brothers
The First New Year's Eve Experience as a Photographer in Times Square New York City Countdown to 2025 including the Behind the Scenes. Featuring the Jonas Brothers at 7:00PM. If you have ever wondered what it's like to be in Times Square on New Year's Eve as a Photographer, this was my experience. I have always watched the Ball Drop on TV almost every year, but I never went to see it live even though I've lived in New York City for so many years. My experience as Photographer is probably a lot different than a Reveler. I had watched a lot of live streams and videos of the event on YouTube, but my experience was different. I moved around the event trying to capture as much of the experience from the Revelers point of view. As well as, trying to capture the Behind The Scenes of what it was actually like from my perspective. As you will see, my footage is far from perfect and I wasn't even able to keep my camera stable. The rain was very challenging on top of not knowing what was happening. Around 11:00 PM, it was total chaos. I couldn't predict anything. I didn't even know where to point my camera. When the 60 second countdown started, for me everything stopped. I just tried to enjoy the moment as it was happening because I knew, this moment will never happen again. It was my first experience of being there. If you have even wondered what it is like, you should go. It's different for everyone and if you can, see it for yourself. I'm so happy I was able to capture my feelings through my camera. I stopped worrying about what the footage would look like and all the photos I didn't take. I had many operational challenges, but in the end, I loved my experience. I felt pure joy. I felt euphoria, a word I've never used. And it was magical. After the Ball Drop when it was midnight, the song New York, New York by Frank Sinatra came on first, the next song was America The Beautiful and the last song was Somewhere Over The Rainbow. During that song, a piece of confetti gently fell on my forehead and it brought tears to my eyes. If you think that you know how you would feel by other's peoples accounts of their experiences, try to go and live it yourself. Your experience will only be yours. For me, this was the right time to go to NYE in Times Square. I was ready. It took everything I had learned on a skill level to get to this point in my life. Most of all, I enjoyed the experience. I was present. Have a Happy and Healthy New Year! Dare To Live Your Dream 00:00 Intro 00:30 7:00 PM Jonas Brothers 05:33 9:00PM Ryan Seacrest and Rita Ora 06:43 Revelers 07:55 Micky Guyton 11:25 10:00PM Heavy Rain 16:33 Lonnie Quinn & Dustin Lynch 17:48 11:00PM Total Chaos 30:13 The 60 Second Countdown to 2025 #nye2025 #timessquare #newyearseve #newyorkcity #jonasbrothers #rockineve