LOG Divine Service 1st Sunday in Advent 11/27/22

LOG Divine Service 1st Sunday in Advent 11/27/22

Our Advent Worship begins with an overall focus on Jesus Advent coming - presenting Himself as the King who comes to save by riding into Jerusalem fin fulfillment of Old Testament Scripture. Our Hymn of the Day is LSB #341 Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates". Our Old Testament Lesson from Isaiah 2:1-5 is the near prophecy of the Exiles return to Jerusalem and the restoration of the temple and the city. The complete fulfillment of Isaiah's vision of everlasting peace looks forward to Christ's return on the Last Day. The Epistle Lesson from Romans 13:8-14 Is Paul's call to live in the love of Christ which fulfills the law, and keeps us prepared for Jesus' return any day. Our Gospel Lesson is from Matthew 21:1-11 and is the text for the sermon.