STEPS RCCBEAM reinforcement detailIngsसंरचनात्मक अखंडता |स्थायित्व सुनिश्चित करने हेतु महत्वपूर्ण
संरचनात्मक अखंडता |स्थायित्व सुनिश्चित करने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण STEPS RCCBEAM reinforcement detailIngs I respect and thankful to all my subscribers for your awesome support & response in upgrading my channel in short time for more than . CivilStructuralTechGuruji 4.50K Subscribers who always stand with me in all up & down situations.My channel sustained among many big channels only due to genuinely published videos on mathematical modelling with practical solved examples in Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Structural RCC Design, Interview relevant Videos, Construction management, Concrete Technology and some Equipment related lectures on Civil Engineering. #cstechguruji Thanks & Regards Er Hari Know more .. Join me at following sites:- Youtube channel / c CivilStructuralTechGuruji Instagram https://bit.ly/46uY2Nl My google blogs Post https://civil-structures-techguruji.b... 1) • Big Common Mistakes Important precaut... 10 big common mistakes in rcc slab casting watch more for construction Engineer & construction planner , preparing for Job Interview related people 2. • Easiest way to give site layout for B... Easiest way to give Layout for building center lines at site 3) • How to find nominal shear reinforceme... How to find nominal shear reinforcements in RCC Beam as per IS 456-2000 Hindi english 4) • Shear Force & Bending moment with Sol... Shear Force & Bending moment with Solved examples practical understanding 5) • Quick revision tricks Portal Frames|T... Quick revision tricks Portal Frames and Trusses examples structural analysis civil Structures 6) • Bending moment & shear force drawings... Bending moment & shear force drawings clockwise anti clockwise moments basic ideas in structures 7) • The Most Interesting facts of worlds ... 8) The Most Interesting facts of worlds marvelous First Two Tallest Skyscrapers Towers. 8) Most common mistakes in construction • Big Common mistakes in RCC construction Available online videos on the following important Topics at my youtube channel :+ civil engineering structural analysis structural engineering earthquake design analysis concrete Technology Multichoice questions and answers on RCC design, concrete,masonary , construction ideas and innovation, repair and retrofitting, cement grade, working stress RCC design limit state Design method analysis of cantilever beam analysis for sfd BMD for simply supported beam subjected to: pont loads,UDL,UDL with point loads, overhanged beam, statically determinate structures statically indeterminate structures, portal frames and truss solved example, construction materials and various uses, Grades of cement and uses, what is fine sand,coarse sand main constitute of concrete, failures analysis of building, estimating costing, rate analysis, quality control in construction works Easy way to give site layout for buildings, project Engineer, construction manager, Civil Engineering job preparation, online classes in RCC design and structural analysis