Clowns 3 with Bibles: IUIC-Gedaliah
Gedaliah, an IUIC Leader makes a fool of himself during a teaching session! This channel exists to Exalt the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Expose false doctrines, modern-day cults, (Hebrew Israelites, Political, Personality) and the false teachers that spew them, engage in meaningful educational dialogue, promote the one and only true gospel of Gods grace and bring glory to the true and living God, and engage in biblical analysis!! We also focus on urban apologetics, basic bible interpretation, political commentary and the essence of the biblical gospel Stay up to date by checking the channel daily for show and premiere dates and times. FOLLOW Jim Green Tik Tok: @jimgreen4real Instagram @Jlgreen65 Twitter: @JLgreen65 Email: dothework2020@gmail.com Donate at: Cash App: $datdudejim Zelle: dothework2020@gmail.com Subscribe and hit the bell to stay up to date on our weekly uploads! To God Be The Glory