5th Sunday of Easter: Sunday, May 7:8:30am Pastor Katterman 50th
Welcome to Hope! We are glad you are here and look forward to worshiping together this morning. If you have questions, would like more information or want to lift up a prayer request, please comment here or contact our church office at 585-492-2530. Today (at both services) we will celebrate the 50th anniversary of pastor Neil Katterman’s Ordination. Pastor Katterman was Hope’s Pastor from 1973-1977 & 1981-2008. During the 35 year span of Pr. Kattermann’s leadership Hope expanded both our building (parish hall & preschool) and ministries. Pr. Kattermann continued to serve the greater church in retirement working for the synod as well as for church’s throughout the Buffalo area in pastoral transition. To make an offering: Online: www.hopearcade.org/give Facebook: "Donate Button" Mail: 2 E. Main St, Arcade, NY 14009 ANNOUNCEMENTS WORSHIP CONFIRMATION SUNDAY: The confirmation of our seven 9th graders will take place during the service on Sunday, May 21 at the 10:30am service. SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE: This Summer Hope will have one worship service at 9:30am. This will start Sunday, June 4 and go until Sunday, September 3. The service will feature music from both of our services and will be held outside whenever possible. FELLOWSHIP & LEADERSHIP WOMENS FELLOWSHIP NIGHT AT HOPE: Join us Friday evening, May 12 at 6:30pm for our next women’s fellowship night. Bring a snack or drink to share and join us for fellowship, devotion and a special Mother’s Day project. ALE HOUSE CHURCH: Join Pastor Shawn for an evening of food, drinks and fellowship and a conversation about Heaven—Join us for the conversation at Beer Justice Brewing Co in Arcade on May 15 at 7pm. HOPE FORE A FUTURE GOLF TOURNAMENT is scheduled for Saturday, July 22. There will be two Tournaments: A 9-hole Scramble at 9:30am and an 18-hole Scramble at 1:00PM. Brochures are available on the shelf in the parish hall. All proceeds benefit the A Future with Hope Community Center. There are opportunities to sponsor, volunteer and golf! You can also register ONLINE: www.hopearcade.org/golf YOUTH HOPE YOUTH GROUP & KIDZ: All youth who wish to attend are asked to fill out the 2022-2023 Code of Conduct & Contact Form as well as RSVP weekly. You can do so here: www.hopearcade.org/hopeyouth. The price to attend Hope KIDZ and YG is $2/person and $1 per slice of pizza. For financial assistance please see Pastor Shawn. Hope KIDZ: 5-6:30pm Hope Youth Group: 6:30-8pm. YOUTH SUNDAY: Save the date for our Youth Sunday Service and Chicken BBQ fundraiser. Sunday, June 4 at 9:30am! HOPE DAY CAMP: Hope is offering FIVE weeks of 2023 Summer Camp. Student registration and information about applying for a staff position are located at www.hopearacde.org/daycamp. Apply today! Camp dates for 2023 are: Week 1: July 10-13 | Week 2: July 17-20 | Week 3: July 24-27| Week 4: July 31- | Week 5: August 7-10 OPPORTUNITIES TO GIVE & SERVE NURSERY: Little Hopesters attendance is up at Hope and that makes us happy!! We are excited to provide nursery during our 10:30am service for little ones. We are looking for individuals with big hearts, who love little ones and wish to serve Hope in this way. Contact Julie if you would be interested in volunteering in this capacity. CONFIRMATION BIBLES: Our gift to our 9th grade Confirmands is a study bible filled with highlighted bible verses, prayers and encouragement from the people of Hope. Please take a moment to highlight a verse and/or write a note of encouragement or a prayer for our 9th graders who will be confirmed on May 21 at our 10:30am service. These special Bibles are located in the Community Center Hall. MOWING: We got a new lawn mower--- thanks to two successful fish frys! Our Buildings and Grounds Committee is looking for individuals that are able to volunteer to mow. If you are interested in mowing, please sign up on the bulletin board.