✨ Shiny Caterpie Caught! No. 10 in the Living Dex! 🎮💚 #pokemonletsgo #pokemon #shorts

✨ Shiny Caterpie Caught! No. 10 in the Living Dex! 🎮💚 #pokemonletsgo #pokemon #shorts

Dive into my Pokémon world and watch as I catch this elusive Shiny Caterpie! Completing the Shiny Living Dex is a thrilling journey, and this charming bug-type is my latest addition—the number 10! Follow along for Pokémon tips, shiny hunting strategies, and more of my adventures in Pokémon Let’s Go Pikachu! Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more shiny catches! The pokemon community is awesome! Can we get this short viral for the shiny golden worm? #shinypokemon #pokemoncommunity #viralshorts #shorts #subscribe