Celecoxib 200mg Capsule(Celebrex, Cobix ,Zycel) Uses, Side effect, Dose, Precaution. in Hindi

Celecoxib 200mg Capsule(Celebrex, Cobix ,Zycel) Uses, Side effect, Dose, Precaution. in Hindi

Celecoxib 200mg capsule Selective cox2 inhibitor Nonsteroid antiinflammatory drug , analgesic and antipyretics drug Brand name Uses side effects dose precaution Hello friends,any confusion about medicine and natural product. please write command box Disclaimer : This content are healthcare and medical science related only. Get knowledge about medicine in the its uses, adverse effect ,dose , drug price rule and precaution in simple way in Hindi language. This video not promot of brand medicine and simple review on generic medicine or active chemical constituent. After watching this vedio you can understand of medicine and consult your medical practitionar( docter, physcian ) in its precaution , doage and side effect of medicine. More again repeatly this channel ''BHARAT MEDICINE TUTOR is for educational and awarenes purpose of healthcare. One thing that you keep in the mind not advice self medication in your body and before talking you any healthare product please consult your docter. BHARAT MEDICINE TUOR is only focus on the high qaulity videos of healthcare profession in hindi language In this channel some contant of educational ,awareness and teaching purpose only. follow us on : facebook page :   / bharatmedlife   please subscribe your channel and give your support. #Celecoxibcapsule #Celebrex #BharatmedicineTutor