When the Wii U Demo Kiosk being removed Circa 2017 #shorts
That time when Wii U Demo Kiosk was getting removed to be replace with Switch Demo Kiosk in 2017. No more Wii U, who's a sad panda? #shorts With that, if you have a chance, you can check my other channels and stuffs: Introduction to the NautoAis' Games Showcase: • NautoAis' Games Showcase (Formerly Mm... Tour Guide on the NautoAis' Games Showcase: • Megamix Games Showcase Ver. 2 - Intro... NautoAis' Games Showcase: / axe325xxexe NautoAis' Thoughts: / @nautoais2008dx NautoAis' Showcase Extend: / @nautoaisdxextend Nintendo Achievement When? - The Origin: • The Origin: ReDux - Nintendo Achievem... Twitter: / nautoaisdx Facebook: / megamixgamesshowcase Instragram: / nautoais00211xxexe Threads: https://www.threads.net/@nautoaisdx Pinterest: / nautoaceone Tumblr: / nautoais211ex TikTok: / nautoaisdx NautoAis' Games Showcase Website: Officially Shutdown...