red diamond guava farming//लाल हीरा अमरूद की पूरी जानकारी Contact 7029279400
red diamond guava farming//लाल हीरा अमरूद की पूरी जानकारी Contact 7029279400 रेड डायमंड अमरूद खाने में बहुत मीठा होता है। नई किस्म की खेती पूरे भारत में कुछ स्थानों पर की जाती है जहां न्यूनतम तापमान 30 डिग्री से नीचे होगा। इसके पेड़ पर बहुत सारे फल लगते हैं, आकार 500 से 600 ग्राम, बाजार मूल्य 80 से 90 रुपये प्रति किलोग्राम है। #red#diamond#guava#farming Nursery Address:- West Bengal Kolkata Name:- injamul nursery Village:-(Raipur) District:- (North 24 Parganas) Police station:- (Deganga) Post:- (Chakla) Pin code:- 743424 Contact 7029279400 Nursery Discription: India,s No-1 Fruit Plants Supplier. Whole Year All Type fruit Plants available Here. Our NURSERY is a Large-Scale Production Manufacture, Grower, Exporter, Horticultural Consultant, Bulk Supplier, and Distributors of all verity of Apple Ber, All verity of guava (Thai Guava, Taiwan Seedless Guava, Taiwan pink Guava, Thai Supper Kiran Guava,..Etc.), Kalapati Chiku, Cricket ball Chiku, Thai Black Jamun, Veatename Coconut, Dragon Fruit, Keralian Coconut, Thai Jackfruit, water Apple Plant, KG Guava, Chinna 3 Litchi/ Mojaffarpur Litchi, all verity Mango plant, Mehgani, Thai Seedless Lemon, Sadabhar Kagzi lemon Plant, Thai All Season Mango, Thai katimon Mango, Sweet Malta and many more. Also we are give guidelines all farmers who are join with us. We offer the top series of Apple ber Plants, Guava and Lemon Verity for our valued customers. Those products are employed in many purposes in the market. Furthermore, we offer this product at normal prices.