Do you love cauliflower wings? Well, we have a wonderful recipe for you without having to deep fry the wings or use any oil. We bake them and they are delicious! Dip them in the buffalo sauce and your taste buds will be in heaven! While there are a few steps to make these, you will see how easy it is by watching Georgie put this recipe together. We sure hope you will enjoy these as much as we do! And remember cauliflower is a cruciferous veggie so "bloom" the sulforaphane in them before baking. Not sure what I'm talking about, I explain in the video. Below is the recipe: BAKED CAULIFLOWER WINGS WITH VEGAN BUFFALO SAUCE Prepared by the Happy Vegan Couple for your best health, use organic ingredients when possible Ingredients for Wings --1 medium cauliflower trimmed --½ cup Buffalo Sauce-see below for recipe Crumb Coating Ingredients --¾ cup bread crumbs - Georgie makes his own using Dave’s killer bread. If buying store bought, ensure they are 100% plant-based by checking the ingredients. See end of recipe to learn how Georgie makes his own. --1 tsp onion powder --1 tsp garlic powder --½ tsp sweet paprika --¼ tsp salt --Pinch of cayenne pepper if desired Batter Ingredients --1/3 cup + 1 Tbsp of whole wheat flour (or gluten free if you need) --1 tsp onion powder --1 tsp garlic powder --2 Tbsp nutritional yeast --1 Tbsp raw almond butter softened-if in fridge, remove 1 Tbsp and let sit to room temp. --½ tsp sweet paprika --½ cup + 1 Tbsp unsweetened soy milk (or other non-dairy milk) BUFFALO SAUCE -1/4 cup hot sauce Georgie uses Trappey’s Red Devil --2 Tbsp Tahini --1 Tbsp veggie broth --1 Tbsp water --1/4 tsp onion powder --1/4 tsp garlic powder --1 Tbsp nutritional yeast Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. This makes ½ cup of sauce. Once in the fridge, it will thicken. To thin out if desired, add in 1-2 tsp of water and stir. Use within 10 days. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat the oven to 450 F. Place the oven rack in the center, avoiding the lower oven rack placement. If using two racks, keep them toward the center and upper position. 2. Line a large 14 x 20 baking sheet(s) with 2 sheets parchment paper or silicone pads. Set aside. 3. Trim all the cauliflower into medium-sized florets. Set aside. 4. Place the Crumb Mixture Ingredients into a small-medium bowl, stir to combine, set aside. 5. Make the Batter by placing all the Batter Ingredients into a medium-sized bowl, mix well. The mixture should be like a thin-set pancake batter. 6. Put the cauliflower florets into the batter bowl and mix well to ensure the batter completely coats all the cauliflower florets evenly. 7. Now take 4-5 pieces of battered cauliflower and place it in the crumb bowl. Shake them around until the cauliflower florets are thoroughly coated. Then place them individually onto the baking sheet(s), allowing space. Giving them space will ensure that they will bake up crispy. If they are too close together, they will not get crispy as they will steam rather than crisp up in the oven. Repeat this process until you’ve finished the crumb coating on all florets. 8. Bake in a 450 F oven for 15 minutes. If using two baking sheets, rotate them at the half-way mark. Take out, shake, separate florets so they’re not touching and cook for about 10-15 minutes more until browned and crispy. 9. Make the Buffalo Sauce 10. To serve, dip the florets into the Buffalo Sauce. NOTES: *Oven Baking Time: Cauliflower retains a lot of moisture. If you like your cauliflower more tender, bake them a little longer; if you like them el dente, then bake them shorter. These buffalo “wings” will not be as crispy as if they were battered and deep fried but will be breaded and taste just as awesome! **Storage: Refrigerate and use within 5 days. This recipe comes from a mother-daughter team. We find many of their recipes very flavorful. They are called Monkey and Me Kitchen Here’s a link to their recipe. We made a few changes for our preferences. https://monkeyandmekitchenadventures.... GEORGIE’S WAY OF MAKING BREAD CRUMBS To make 1 cup of homemade bread crumbs, use about 8 slices of bread, remove the crusts, and place on a baking tray with parchment paper or silicone pad. Bake at your oven’s “warm” setting or about 170-185 degrees for 2-3 hours, flipping them over every 30 or 60 minutes. The end goal of the baking is to have dried out bread with no moisture left inside. Let the bread cool. Break up the cooled bread and put in a food processor to grind into crumbs. Note: Whole wheat bread appears to take longer to dry out than white, refined bread. We use Dave’s Killer Bread Organic 21 Whole Grain.