THIS IS PAISLEE'S TEAM'S LAST COMPETITION, REGIONAL SUMMIT!! WATCH FiRST CHEER COMPETiTiON ALONE!! *SHE GOT HURT*. • FiRST CHEER COMPETiTiON ALONE!! *SHE ... @NotEnoughNelsons WATCH MORE: / @notenoughnelsons You might also like @FunSquadFamily • Video Emotional GOODBYE! My Daughter Says goodbye to her CRUSH! Emotional @hopescope • I Bought UNREALISTIC Beauty Products I Bought UNREALISTIC Pinterest Beauty Products @jordanmatter Transforming My Daughter Into A Cheerleader ft/ Anna McNulty here: • Transforming My Daughter Into A Cheer... @norrisnuts SHE's MOVING OUT (emotional) w/Norris Nuts • SHE'S MOVING OUT (emotional) w/Norris... @jordanmatter My Daughter Opens a Starbucks For 24 Hours bad idea • My Daughter Opens a Starbucks For 24 ... @AnazalaFamily My Daughter’s Emotional Birthday Surprise! ft/ Jordan Matter and Rebecca Zamolo • My Daughter’s Emotional Birthday Surp... @AlexaRivera SURVIVING EVERY NETFLIX SHOW IN 24 HOURS!! • SURVIVING EVERY NETFLIX SHOW IN 24 HO... WATCH MORE: / @nenfam Not enough Nelsons HERE: / @notenoughnelsons OUR NEW CHANNEL!! PokéNeN https://www.youtube.com/@pokenen?sub_... #notenoughnelsons #cheer #summit #competition Welcome to The NEN FAM! We Post a NEW video every SATURDAY and SUNDAY! We are a big family of 18! We always get asked if they are all ours!!? 7 are biological and 9 are adopted! SO YES!! THEY ARE ALL OURS!! We sure love each one of our 16 kiddos! We hope you enjoy our videos! We have had a blast filming them! (except for the occasional meltdowns) Follow along with our crazy family challenges! SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE FUN VIDEOS! MOM- Tiffany DAD- Benji OUR KIDS: Kenn- 25 yrs old Kass- 23 yrs old Bridger- 23 yrs old JourNee- 24 yrs old Trey- 21 yrs old Jaine- 20 yrs old LiLee- 16 yrs old SaiDee- 15 yrs old NayVee- 14 yrs old Luke- 13 yrs old PaisLee- 11 yrs old DeLayNee- 10 yrs old PresLee- 9 yrs old ElleCee- 9 yrs old Beckham- 7 yrs old Ledger- 3 yrs old Business Inquiries email [email protected] Music: Epidemic, final cut pro free music, youtube audio free music, Artlist .io, Bensound, ZapsplatCategoryEntertainment This channel and all of its videos are not “directed to children” within the meaning of Title 16 C.F.R. § 312.2 and are not intended for children under 13 years of age. (NEN FAM) and its owner(s), agents, representatives, and employees (hereinafter, “CHANNEL”) do not collect any information from children under 13 years of age and expressly deny permission to any third party seeking to collect information from children under 13 years of age on behalf of CHANNEL. Further, CHANNEL denies any and all liability or responsibility for the practices and policies of YouTube and its agents and subsidiaries, or any other affiliated third party, regarding data collection.