Implantation bleeding vs Period: Know the difference
Implantation bleeding vs Period: Know the difference implantation bleeding also known as pregnancy Spotting is seen as a result of a successful implantation in the uterus during pregnancy . Implantation bleeding or Spotting is totally different from Period but since it occurs near Period, a pregnant woman might think it's still her menstrual period unknowingly to her that she is pregnant. This video explains the difference between implantation bleeding or Spotting from Period. #implantationbleeding #period #spottingvsperiod #implantationbleedingcolour #periodvsimplantationbleeding #periodvsspotting Spotting vs Period implantation bleeding vs Period implantation bleeding pictures implantation bleeding colour images pregnancy Spotting vs Period pictures pregnancy blood Spotting vs Period implantation bleeding color pregnancy bleeding implantation symptoms Spotting vs Period pictures difference between implantation bleeding and Period implantation bleeding pregnancy Spotting signs of implantation Period blood Period Spotting vs pregnancy Spotting brown discharge in early pregnancy brown color Period blood implantation Spotting pictures implantation bleeding vs Period Period vs implantation bleeding