Grace United Methodist Church, December 24, 2024 6PM Christmas Eve

Grace United Methodist Church, December 24, 2024 6PM Christmas Eve

Grace United Methodist Church, December 24, 2024 6PM Christmas Eve Nativity Candle Light Service PRELUDE – CAROLINE AMBROSE "Entrance of the Light of Christ" *indicates congregational standing. Greetings and Welcome Pastor: This is the Good News of God's Word to His people. Congregation: May it be so among the people of God. Lighting the Advent Candles “Light the Advent Candle” TFWS 2090 A Prayer for Hope A Prayer for Peace A Prayer for Joy A Prayer for Love The Service of the Nativity Let us create our own life sized Nativity God’s Promise- “O Come All Ye Faithfull” UMH 234 (verses 1 and 3) Mary’s Story- “Mary Did You Know” Rev Tracy and Bob Huffman Joseph’s Story- “The First Noel” UMH 245 (verses 1 and 2) Joseph and Mary in Bethlehem- “O Little Town of Bethlehem” UMH 230 (verses 1 and 4) The Birth of Jesus – God is with Us “Away In A Manger” UMH 217 (verses 1 and 3) The Nativity is prepared, let us rejoice! “Little Drummer Boy” On Screen (verses 1 and 3) Lighting of the Christ Candle: Abby & John Shaw “Light the Advent Candle” (verse 5) Shepherds’ Story- “Go Tell It on the Mountain” UMH 251 The Magi’s Story- “We Three Kings” UMH 254 (verses 1 and 5) Candle Lighting Ceremony (lights will dim) Let us gather around the Church to form a circle Candles will be passed and lit from the Christ Candle *“Silent Night” UMH 219 “Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.”