Grace United Methodist Church, December 24, 2024 6PM Christmas Eve
Grace United Methodist Church, December 24, 2024 6PM Christmas Eve Nativity Candle Light Service PRELUDE – CAROLINE AMBROSE "Entrance of the Light of Christ" *indicates congregational standing. Greetings and Welcome Pastor: This is the Good News of God's Word to His people. Congregation: May it be so among the people of God. Lighting the Advent Candles “Light the Advent Candle” TFWS 2090 A Prayer for Hope A Prayer for Peace A Prayer for Joy A Prayer for Love The Service of the Nativity Let us create our own life sized Nativity God’s Promise- “O Come All Ye Faithfull” UMH 234 (verses 1 and 3) Mary’s Story- “Mary Did You Know” Rev Tracy and Bob Huffman Joseph’s Story- “The First Noel” UMH 245 (verses 1 and 2) Joseph and Mary in Bethlehem- “O Little Town of Bethlehem” UMH 230 (verses 1 and 4) The Birth of Jesus – God is with Us “Away In A Manger” UMH 217 (verses 1 and 3) The Nativity is prepared, let us rejoice! “Little Drummer Boy” On Screen (verses 1 and 3) Lighting of the Christ Candle: Abby & John Shaw “Light the Advent Candle” (verse 5) Shepherds’ Story- “Go Tell It on the Mountain” UMH 251 The Magi’s Story- “We Three Kings” UMH 254 (verses 1 and 5) Candle Lighting Ceremony (lights will dim) Let us gather around the Church to form a circle Candles will be passed and lit from the Christ Candle *“Silent Night” UMH 219 “Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.”