Marvel's Agents of SHIELD 3x19 REACTION & REVIEW "Failed Experiments" S03E19 | JuliDG
Another crazy episode! I can't wait to get to the end of the season! UNCUT here: / aos-3x19-full-19992693 If you like my videos please support me on patreon: 🌈 / julidg Or a one time donation here (This gives you early access to some of my videos too) : https://www.paypal.me/JuliDGReactions Official Links: Steam ID: officialjulidg Snapchat: JuliDG1 Instagram: / julidg Follow Me on Twitter: / julidg Follow me on Tumblr: http://officialjulidg.com/ Like My Facebook: / officialjulidg Subscribe to this channel: / julidg Special Thank you to my Patrons: Aadhil Basith. Adrianna. Ahsim Nreiziev. Alejandro Barber. Alex Kolsing. Amanda P. Andrew Bassett. Angelica Castro. Anne M. Arianny Moraes. Arrhmn. Bejo. Beka Yates. Ben Chomsang. Bilal. Bonnie Vlynn. Brian Jones. Carmen Thong. Courtney Baker. Damien McManus. Daniel French. Diego Martinez. Edwin Wickey. Freja. Gabi Andrade. HelGar. James. Jason Short. Jenny Aiken. Jm. Jon Cab. Jonathan Bodford. Jose. JuliaVitoria. Julie Bricker. Kevin Meraz. Lefty1275. Lilamzy93. Maria Selitto. Matthew Nault. Matthew Menear. Micah Harrison. Natalie Doran. Pickle9. Rohan Aslam. Samantha Bailey. Sarah E. Tom Sinclair. Tori. Triskel Xx. Wes. Zakiya Davis. Song Used at the end of the video: ♫Music By♫ ●DJ Quads - Happy Days ●Song/Free Download - • Video ●Follow DJ Quads - http://smarturl.it/dj-quads