Divine power of prayer- Talk with God- Receive Divine Guidance 528 Hz- Meditation angelic muzic

Divine power of prayer- Talk with God- Receive Divine Guidance 528 Hz- Meditation angelic muzic

How God Answers Our Prayers SOMETIMES THE ANSWER IS "YES"... SOMETIMES THE ANSWER IS "NO" OR HE CHOOSES TO ANSWER DIFFERENTLY THAT WHAT WE PRAYED FOR. God Sees the bigger picture of our lives. He might know that what you are asking is not the best thing for you or someone you are praying for... or He sees the negative things that could occur if He were to give you what you are asking... or perhaps He has something better in mind. If God doesn't give us what we are asking for, we have to remember that He has a good plan and a purpose for everything in our lives and He only wants the very best for us. He is looking at everything from an eternal perspective. Our time on earth is meant to prepare us for eternity. God cares about our physical needs, but He is infinitely more concerned about our spiritual needs and growth. This is where knowing God's character and knowing His promises are so important. When we have faith and trust in Him, then we can rest knowing that He hears our prayers, sees our needs and He is faithful to answer according to His will, which is always the best.