September 15, 2024 - Blended Worship (Sanctuary) Service
"Battle Lines" , Matthew 2:19-23 To our surprise, Jesus' nature evokes both passionate love/acceptance AND violent rejection. And (also to our surprise) Jesus and those who follow him are not immune to the violence. Rev. Bryan Eckelmann #TUPCSA #Trinity Entering into the Book of Matthew Sermon Series! Trinity United Presbyterian Church https://trinityconnection.com/ Upcoming Events Men's Summit Friday, Sept 27 - Sunday, Sept 29 Our annual summit in the mountains, at the Oak Glen Christian Conference Center, with our brothers in Christ. A weekend to step back from our daily demands and connect. Jim Masteller, founder of the Center for Individual and Family Therapy, is the guest speaker and will share "A Clear Path Forward - In Such a Confusing Time, Jesus' Words Offer Clarity & Hope". Register https://trinitysantaana.shelbynextchm... Divorce Recovery Workshop Tuesdays, Oct 1-Nov 12 @6:30-8:30PM | Munzing Hall A 6-week workshop to assist anyone who has gone through or is in the process of divorce. Childcare and children’s programming available with registration. Register https://trinitysantaana.shelbynextchm... Trinity MomCo + MomCo at Night AM: Begins Thursday, Sept 12 @9-11:30AM PM: Begins Thursday, Sept 19 @7:15-9:15PM Motherhood can be messy. Come just as you are and be part of our mom's group that meets for food, speakers, and friends! Option to meet every other Thursday AM OR once a month in the PM. Childcare available for the AM only. Register for AM https://trinitysantaana.shelbynextchm... Register for PM https://trinitysantaana.shelbynextchm...