What to expect in your First Trimester of pregnancy | Pregnancy Week-by-Week |

What to expect in your First Trimester of pregnancy | Pregnancy Week-by-Week |

Congratulations! You are pregnant! Over the next eight weeks of your first trimester, your baby will grow from about the size of a poppy seed to a mushroom. And you’ll go through a lot of changes, too. This week-by-week guide to your first trimester will take you through all the developments, symptoms and things you need to start thinking about. 0:13 - 4 weeks (Topics covered: Early symptoms of pregnancy, pregnancy hormones, nausea, bloating, exhaustion, implantation bleeding, precautions you need to take during pregnancy) 1:49 - 5 weeks (Topics covered: Pregnancy hormones, food cravings or aversions, morning sickness) 3:15 - 6 weeks (Topics covered: Constipation, alcohol consumption, how much caffeine you can have, dating ultrasound) 4:54 - 7 weeks (Topics covered: Growth of baby, dealing with nausea, pregnancy massage) 7:27 - 8 weeks (Topics covered: Picking a health care provider, miscarriage, nausea, what cleaning products are safe, acne, glossy hair) 9:48 - 9 weeks (Topics covered: Baby heart beat is strong enough to be heard, baby’s genitals are developing, pregnancy hormones, dealing with fatigue, maternity clothes, weight gain) 11:41 - 10 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development, vivid dreams, growing uterus, pain medication that’s safe during pregnancy) 13:41 - 11 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development, genetic testing, exercise during pregnancy) 16:34 - 12 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development, risk of miscarriage, telling others about your pregnancy, maternity clothes) SUBSCRIBE The Mom World | #naturalbirth #childbirth #bilat #childbirthvideo #naturalchildbirth #childbirth #partonatural #homebirth #normaldelivery #porod #porodnaturalny #vaginalbirth #childbirth #childbirthvideo #normalbirth #accouchementnaturel #normaldeliveryinhindi #normaldeliveryexercise #inducedlabor #inducedlabouranddelivery #labouranddelivery #normaldeliverykaisehotehai #partonaturalesalaparto #unmedicatedbirth #vaginalbirthvideo #accouchementvaginal #birth #csectionbirth #csectionrecovery #childbirthseries #fagina #epiduraldelivery #femmequiaccouche #porodnaturalnie #scheide #sezeryandogum #unmedicatedhomebirth #waterbirth #backlabor #bevalling #bilatbilat