My Real & Raw Breast Milk Journey | How My Milk Production Increased 15ml - 4500ml | Sameera Sherief
Hey guys, Here’s my real and raw journey of breast feed. I hope it would be helpful. Main thing is don’t give up and don’t doubt yourself. Believe whatever you are doing is right. Ppl around will always doubt you n put you down. This could be out of concern, concern towards you or your baby. But don’t let that effect you. Stay strong n JUST DONT GIVE UP. Something that I missed sharing, take hot shower bath if u are a new mom. Use hot rolling pin or hot bag. That will help in soften the breast n let’s the milk out. Again that too was painful for me. Breast would get heavy, but nipples were not letting the milk out. N that’s when I used hot rolling pin or took hot showers. N it helped me express 30ml. Linking the products here, Feeding bottle. (Couldn’t find the same) https://amzn.to/3dJO4yQ Hakka bottle https://www.amazon.in/dp/B01LZ2ZVCY/r... Galact https://amzn.to/3rUyjgz Plz do lemme know if u have any questions. I would love to answer all of those. Will see you guys soon. Until then, LOADS OF LOVE ❤️