Korean Traditional Dessert | Red Bean Porridge "Patjuk" 외국인이 만든 팥죽 집밥
Patjuk, is a sweet dessert porridge from Korea made from red beans, with chewy rice cake balls It is commonly eaten during the winter solstice as the dark red color is traditionally believed to scare away ghosts and evil spirits Intro 0:00 Preparing the Red Beans 0:56 Making the Rice Cake Balls 1:39 Cooking the Porridge 3:23 Tasting (Nick's Mukbang) 5:35 팥죽 Red Bean Porridge Red Bean 팥 200g Glutinous Rice Flour 찹쌀가루 120g Glutinous Rice 찹쌀 70g Salt 소금 pinch Sugar 설탕 2tsp (or more if you want) Dried Jujube Dates 대추 2 Method: Soak the red beans overnight 팥을 밤새 담근다 Boil the red beans and then remove the water 팥을 끓인 후 물기를 제거합니다 Boil the red beans again for 1 hour in about 800ml of water 팥을 800ml 정도의 물에 넣고 1시간 정도 끓입니다 Soak the rice in water 밥을 물에 담급니다 While the beans are boiling make the rice cake balls 콩이 끓는 동안 떡을 만듭니다 Slowly add half a cup of water to the glutinous rice flour 찹쌀 가루에 물 반 컵을 천천히 넣어주세요 Knead the dough for about 5 minutes 반죽을 5분 정도 치대세요 If the dough is too sticky add a little more flour If the dough is too dry, add a little more water 반죽이 너무 끈적거린다면 밀가루를 조금 더 넣어주세요 반죽이 너무 건조하다면 물을 조금 더 넣어주세요 Put the dough in a plastic bag 반죽을 비닐봉지에 넣습니다 Turn off the beans and let them cool 콩을 끄고 식혀주세요 Roll the rice cake dough into small balls 떡 반죽을 작은 공 모양으로 말아줍니다 While the beans are cooling boil the rice cake balls 콩이 식는 동안 떡은 끓입니다 They are ready when they start floating Remove from the water and put aside 그것들이 뜨기 시작하면 준비가 됩니다 물에서 제거하고 한쪽에 두세요 Pour the beans and water into a bowl through a sieve Push the beans through the sieve Add 500ml water and use your hands when the beans have cooled 체를 통해 콩과 물을 그릇에 붓습니다 체를 통해 콩을 밀어 넣습니다 500ml의 물을 넣고 콩이 식으면 손을 사용합니다 Bring the beans to the boil Add rice, sugar, and salt 콩을 삶아주세요 쌀, 설탕, 소금을 넣어주세요 When the rice is nearly cooked add the rice cake balls 쌀이 거의 익으면 떡을 넣어줍니다 It is ready when the porridge is starting to get sticky Taste and season based on your preference 죽을 끈적거리기 시작하면 완성됩니다 기호에 따라 맛을 보고 간을 맞추세요