Class (28) Cholinergic Receptor (Part-02) = Muscarinic and Nicotinic Receptors | Medicinal Chemistry

Class (28) Cholinergic Receptor (Part-02) = Muscarinic and Nicotinic Receptors | Medicinal Chemistry

Download the "Solution Pharmacy" Mobile App to Get All Uploaded Notes, Model Question Papers, Answer Papers, Online Tests and other GPAT Materials - Solution Pharmacy will cover this syllabus of medicinal chemistry 01 for B.Pharmacy 4th semester Unit 03 - (01) Cholinergic neurotransmitters – Biosynthesis and catabolism of acetylcholine (02) Cholinergic receptor and distribution of cholinergic receptors like muscarinic and nicotinic (03) Parasympathomimetic agents – SAR of parasympathomimetic agents (04) Direct-acting agents – acetylcholine, carbachol, bethanechol, methacholine, pilocarpine, (05) Indirect acting/Cholinesterase inhibitors (Reversible and irreversible) - physostigmine, neostigmine, pyridostigmine, edrophonium chloride, tacrine hydrochloride, ambenonium chloride, isofluorphate, Echothiopate iodide, parathion, malathion. (06) Cholinesterase reactivators – Pralidoxime chloride (07) Cholinergic blocking agents – SAR of cholinolytic agents (08) Solanaceous alkaloid and analogous – Atropine sulphate, hyoscyamines sulphate, scopolamine hydrobromide, homatropine hydrobromide, Ipratropium bromide. (09) Synthetic cholinergic blocking agents – tropicamide, cyclopentolate hydrochloride, aclidinium bromide, dicyclomine hydrobromide, Glycopyrrolate, Methantheline bromide, propantheline bromide, ACh Receptors There are two broad classes of cholinergic receptors: nicotinic and muscarinic. This classification is based on two chemical agents that mimic the effects of ACh at the receptor site nicotine and muscarine. Nicotinic receptors and their actions 1. Bind nicotine 2. Blocked by curare (tubocurarine) 3. Linked to ionic channels 4. Response is brief and fast 5. Located at neuromuscular junctions, autonomic ganglia, and to a small extent in the CNS 6. Mediate excitation in target cells 7. Postsynaptic Muscarinic receptors and their actions 1. Bind muscarine 2. Blocked by atropine 3. Linked to 2nd messenger systems through G proteins (see below) 4. Response is slow and prolonged 5. Found on myocardial muscle, certain smooth muscle, and in discrete CNS regions 6. Mediate inhibition and excitation in target cells 7. Both pre- and postsynaptic E-Mail for official and other work - [email protected] #solutionpharmacy #Pharmacologyclass #Pharmacognosyvideos #GPAT