[찬송가 반주] 새찬송가 260장 (통 194장) 우리를 죄에서 구하시려 Glory to Jesus, Who Died
#260장찬송가피아노,#찬송가260장반주,#찬송가260장mr,#찬송가260장피아노반주 1 우리를 죄에서 구하시려 주 예수 십자가 지셨으니 기쁘게 부르세 할렐루야 나 구원 얻었네 찬송하세 찬송하세 주님 나를 구하셨네 찬송하세 찬송하세 주가 구원하셨네 2 우리를 주께서 구했으니 이전에 행하던 악한 일과 추하고 더러운 모든 죄를 온전히 버렸네 찬송하세 찬송하세 주님 나를 구하셨네 찬송하세 찬송하세 주가 구원하셨네 3 나 지금 죄에서 사함 받아 거룩한 백성이 되었으니 이 육신 장막을 벗을 때도 겁날 것 없겠네 찬송하세 찬송하세 주님 나를 구하셨네 찬송하세 찬송하세 주가 구원하셨네 4 우리가 이 세상 떠날 때에 예수의 손목을 굳게 잡고 영원히 즐거운 천국에서 주 함께 살겠네 찬송하세 찬송하세 주님 나를 구하셨네 찬송하세 찬송하세 주가 구원하셨네 1 Glo-ry to Je-sus, Who died on the cross, Car-ried our bur-den and suf-fer'd our loss! Shout, "Hal-le-lu-jah!" the heav-ens a-cross! Je-sus has sav'd my soul! Praise we His name! Shout, and pro-claim, "Je-sus sav'd my soul, set me free!" Praise we His name! Sing it a-gain, "Je-sus has sav'd e-ven me!" 2 Je-sus has won our sal-va-tion at last! All of our falls, and the sins of the past, All of our guilt He has ful-ly out-cast! Je-sus has made me whole! Praise we His name! Shout, and pro-claim, "Je-sus sav'd my soul, set me free!" Praise we His name! Sing it a-gain, "Je-sus has sav'd e-ven me!" 3 All sin for-giv-en, I stand in Him here, One of His peo-ple, e-ter-nal-ly dear! Life has no men-ace and death has no fear! Je-sus for me has died! Praise we His name! Shout, and pro-claim, "Je-sus sav'd my soul, set me free!" Praise we His name! Sing it a-gain, "Je-sus has sav'd e-ven me!" 4 When we de-part from the earth here be-low, Then, hand in hand with the best Friend we know, Straight to our home up in heav-en we'll go, And with our Lord a-bide! Praise we His name! Shout, and pro-claim, "Je-sus sav'd my soul, set me free!" Praise we His name! Sing it a-gain, "Je-sus has sav'd e-ven me!"