Rose Sunday , December 11, 2022 LIVE from Christ the King Episcopal Church

Rose Sunday , December 11, 2022 LIVE from Christ the King Episcopal Church

Holy Eucharist Rite II- Advent III, Rose Sunday Streamed LIVE from Christ The King Episcopal Church, Normal, Illinois on Sunday, December 11, 2022 Very Rev. John D Richmond, Rector Sarah Weber, Organist Service Guide and Music at Christ the King is a faith-filled congregation serving Normal IL, McLean County, and the wider central Illinois region. All are welcome to join us weekly for traditional Episcopal worship from our sanctuary nestled in a historic district. The congregation of Christ the King is a member of the Episcopal Diocese of Springfield, The Episcopal Church, and the Worldwide Anglian Communion. 0:00 Sermon Find us on the web at If you are moved to donate to Christ the King's ministry, donations are accepted at