Conduction system of the heart | Sinoatrial node, AV Node | Anatomy, and Physiology #shorts

Conduction system of the heart | Sinoatrial node, AV Node | Anatomy, and Physiology #shorts

Welcome to Medical Essentials Plus, Hope you enjoyed the video and learned. Get our digital downloads to help solidify what you have learned today; 🔴Heart Anatomy & Physiology Coloring Pages: 👇 🔴EBOOK: MUST KNOW CHEST X-RAYS (FINDINGS & ASSOCIATED CLINICAL FEATURES) 👇 🔴EBOOK: HOW TO READ A CHEST X-RAY(SYSTEMATIC APPROACH) 👇 Let's look at a brief overview of the Cardiac conduction system. In this tutorial you will learn; See the full tutorial here:    • Conduction system of the heart | Sino...   Learn how the electrical conduction pathway functions in a synchronized manner to contract and relax the atria and ventricles of the heart. This tutorial shows where the impulses go after being generated in the sino-atrial node. Here's a summary of cardiac events; 1. Sino-atrial node discharges electrical impulse that depolarizes both left and right atria. Both atria contracts 2. impulse reaches atrioventricular node where it is slowed down or delayed. 3. impulse is then transmitted to the bundle of His. 4. then to the Left and right bundle branches 5. then to the left and right ventricles and to the Purkinje fibers of each ventricle. where they contract. The right ventricle pumps blood to the pulmonary circulation via the pulmonary artery while the left ventricle pumps blood to the systemic circulation via the aorta. A simple cardiac rhythm on an ECG has a P wave, a QRS complex, and a T wave. Each wave represents an event in the cardiac cycle. Subscribe for easier and to-the-point tutorials. Detailed tutorials coming soon don't miss out. Subscribe here:    / @medicalessentialsplus   Connect with us on Instagram here:   / medicalessentialsplus   Check out our beautiful Notebooks with beautiful cover designs. Get notebooks with anatomical illustrations, skulls, and skeletons, also get log books Here: Other tutorials you can watch: The cranial nerves are not difficult to learn and with these visual representations you will learn them in no time. A full tutorial on the cranial nerves is coming soon stay subscribe and stay tuned for more. Hope you enjoyed the video and learned #cardiacconductionsystem #cardiaccycle #cardiacanatomy #ecg #cardiaccycle #bloodflow #humananatomy #medicalstudent #cardiacphysiology #nusingstudent #medicine #mbbs #usmle #anatomytutorial #physhiology #physiotherapy #cranialnerve #skullforamen #fetalskull #fetalanatomy skull, quiz, anatomy , physiology, cranial nerves anatomy, foramen, blood flow, heart blood, flow, ecg , conduction, human heart, electrocardiogram #ecg #electrocardiogram Hope you enjoyed the video and learned #heartanatomy #cardiaccycle #shorts