Tips For Watering Tulips in Containers During The Winter Months! Zone 6b! //FlowerFanatic

Tips For Watering Tulips in Containers During The Winter Months! Zone 6b! //FlowerFanatic

There is no perfect answer for watering your tulip containers during winter. I use a moisture meter to take the guess workout of out. Its cheap and can be found on Amazon for around $15 dollars. A great Christmas gift for self and others. I use it for all of my other indoor plants such as Amaryllis Bulbs and greenhouse seeds. Every Climate is different, so watering needs vary. I hope you found this video useful and If not I'm sorry. Good luck to you with your containers! I would love to see some submissions in Spring to showoff some of them! I know there are so many of you that have beautiful yards and flowers that would totally trump mine! Consider subscribing! Much Love! Steph AKA TheFlower Fanatic