best handwritten notes of ch. 5 principles of inheritance and variation class 12th NCERT || part 4

best handwritten notes of ch. 5 principles of inheritance and variation class 12th NCERT || part 4

best handwritten notes of ch. 5 principles of inheritance and variation class 12th NCERT || part 4 TOPICS COVERED IN VIDEO : genetic disorder : phenylketonuria haemophilia color blindness sickle cell anemia thalassemia : a-thalassemia and B- thalassemia difference between sickle cell anemia and thalassemia chromosomal disorder : down's syndrome klinefelter's syndrome Turner's syndrome general term : aneuploidy polyploidy trisomy Or monosomy part 1 :    • best handwritten notes of ch. 5 princ...   part 2 :   • best handwritten notes of ch. 5 princ...   part 3:   • best handwritten notes of ch. 5 princ...   hope you like this video. if you like the video... plzz like it share it with ur frnds also don't forget to subscribe the channel and must press the bell icon if you have any question.... plzz feel free to comment below..... thanks for watching this video.. #biologykingdom👑 #best handwritten notes