Create Studio-Like Black & White Portraits In Photoshop (WITHOUT A Studio)

Create Studio-Like Black & White Portraits In Photoshop (WITHOUT A Studio)

Learn how to create dramatic black and white studio portraits in Photoshop! 📝 GET THE FREE LESSON PDF here 👉 — 😄 TRY PHOTOSHOP FOR FREE: — 🤓 JOIN MY BEGINNER PHOTOSHOP PROGRAM: 👨‍🏫 MASTER PHOTOSHOP FOR PHOTOGRAPHY: ✏️ MASTER PHOTOSHOP SELECTIONS IN THIS COURSE: 🌐 VISIT MY WEBSITE for 700+ free Photoshop & Lightroom guides: 👥 MY SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram:   / brnwills   Facebook:   / brnwills   Portfolio: Email: [email protected] — In this Photoshop tutorial, you'll learn how to turn any photo into a high-contrast black and white portrait with a studio-like effect. Using Blend If, you'll seamlessly blend shadows into a black background for a natural fade. You'll also refine the effect with Curves adjustments to enhance contrast, selectively darken shadows, and brighten highlights for a polished look. This simple yet powerful method creates striking portraits without the need for a studio setup. Don’t forget to download the free cheat sheet in the description for easy reference! — Timestamps: 0:19 Blending Shadows with Blend If for a Seamless Background 1:38 Enhancing Contrast with Curves Adjustments 3:49 Selective Dodging and Burning for Dramatic Lighting 6:04 Final Refinements and Before & After Comparison 7:09 Free Cheat Sheet for Black & White Portrait Editing