Bible Book #38 - Zechariah Chapter 1 - The Holy Bible KJV Read Along Audio/Video/Text

Bible Book #38 - Zechariah Chapter 1 - The Holy Bible KJV Read Along Audio/Video/Text

The Book of Zechariah, attributed to the Hebrew prophet Zechariah, is included in the Twelve Minor Prophets in the Hebrew Bible. Zechariah's prophecies took place during the reign of Darius the Great and were contemporary with Haggai in a post-exilic world after the fall of Jerusalem in 587/586 BC. Ezekiel and Jeremiah wrote before the fall of Jerusalem while continuing to prophesy in the early exile period. Scholars believe Ezekiel, with his blending of ceremony and vision, heavily influenced the visionary works of Zechariah 1–8. Zechariah is specific about dating his writing (520–518 BC). During the exile, many Judahites and Benjamites were taken to Babylon, where the prophets told them to make their homes,[4] suggesting they would spend a long period of time there. Eventually freedom did come to many Israelites, when Cyrus the Great overtook the Babylonians in 539 BC. In 538 BC, the famous Edict of Cyrus was released, and the first return took place under Sheshbazzar. After the death of Cyrus in 530 BC, Darius consolidated power and took office in 522 BC. His system divided the different colonies of the empire into easily manageable districts overseen by governors. Zerubbabel comes into the story, appointed by Darius as governor over the district of Yehud Medinata. Thank you for watching! Please help us spread the Gospel by sharing this video with others. Also be sure to Like, Subscribe and click the Notifications Button for the latest here at Just In Bible. LORD willing, this narration aims to be the first HD 4K Bible video narration with a 100% narration to text accuracy. Be sure to subscribe & click notifications button. New HD 4K Bible videos uploaded every day at 6:30 PM. Just In Bible - HD Audio-Text Read Along - The (Word of God) The Bible, narrated by a real believer. Read slowly & surely with great emphases & accuracy. This especially along with screen text helps with scripture memorization. The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). Scripture memorization is vital in warfare! LORD willing, this narration aims to be the first KJV Bible narration with a 100% narration to text accuracy. Narrator’s Testimony: A little over 10 years ago I was a lost man walking in the ways of this fallen world when by God’s Truly Amazing Grace, Jesus Christ raised me from the dead (spiritually) and I was Born Again (John 1:13, John 3:3-6) into His Kingdom. I do this “Just In Bible - HD Audio-Text Read Along” project so others can know my Lord Jesus Christ too, not for any monetary gain. It always bothered me that my favorite Bible narrators never publicly made a profession for Jesus Christ. It’s as if narrating the Bible was just one of many of their secular narration projects done for commercial sale. I don’t know their hearts or beliefs, really only God does, but I know I am outspoken about my faith in Jesus Christ. He is the reason I do what I do - because while I was yet a wretched sinner, He died for me (Romans 5:28). I will always publicly profess my love for Him openly (Luke 12:8, Matthew 10:32-33). I may not be the most talented narrator in the world (as some hateful critics have pointed out) but I believe every Word I read from this book because God has used it to change my life, here on earth and for all eternity. I believe a novice narrator led by The Holy Spirit reading God’s Word, is much more effective than the most talented, experienced, world-renowned narrators who are not being led by The Holy Spirit. LORD willing… The goal is to finish all 1,189 chapters (66 books) of the Bible. That would be Genesis (50 chapters) through Revelation (22 chapters). The recording and video making process has been underway since March 2021. Whenever a book or chapter is finished - we will upload to our channel. Please keep us in prayer beloved in Christ. Just In Bible Ministries With all the lies and falsehood that dwell in a fallen world the safest way to go is to stay – Just In Bible May God Bless you with an unquenchable thirst for His Holy Word (The Bible) Your brother in Christ, Justin Bible #bookofZechariah #ZechariahKJV #MinorProphets #Zechariah #audiobible #audiobiblekjv #MinorProphetskjv #ZechariahBible #JustInBibleMinistry ================================================ bible project, bible, bible stories, the bible, bible movies full movie, bible reading audio, the bible project, bible study, bible adventures, bible verses for sleep, stories of the bible, bible in a year fr mike schmitz, audio bible, vacation bible school, kjv audio bible, beginners bible, bible recap, bible movies, psalms audio bible, holy bible, bible reading audio, audio bible, kjv audio bible, audio bible kjv, bible reading, king james bible audio, holy bible king james version, bible reading audio kjv, bible kjv, king james version