The Second Sunday of Advent - Solemn High Mass (Sunday 8 December, 10.30am)

The Second Sunday of Advent - Solemn High Mass (Sunday 8 December, 10.30am)

The Second Sunday of Advent - Solemn High Mass (Sunday 8 December, 10.30am) - Preacher: Fr John Deane, Executive Director, Anglican Board of Mission The New English Hymnal Hymn 1: 161 – Wake, O wake! With tidings thrilling Hymn 2: 281 – Draw nigh, and take the body of the Lord Hymn 3: 500 – Thy kingdom come! On bended knee Setting: Missa de la batalla escoutez (Guerrero) Motet: Canite tuba (Guerrero) First Reading: Malachi 3.1-4 Psalm: The Song of Zechariah Second Reading: Philippians 1.1-11 Gospel: Luke 3.1-6 Postlude: Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645 (Bach) - To download a service sheet, please go to: To support the ministry of CCSL, please go to: Report any livestream technical difficulties by texting +61 400 550 088 or emailing [email protected] - Subscribe to CCSL    / @christchurchstlaurence   Follow CCSL on Instagram   / christchurchstlaurence   Follow CCSL on Facebook   / christchurchstlaurence   - Timestamps 00:00 Start 15:10 Introit 17:00 Litany 24:10 The Greeting 24:10 Kyrie 24:40 Gloria in Excelsis Deo 27:45 Collect 29:00 First Reading 30:35 Psalm 33:20 Second Reading 34:50 Gospel Acclamation 37:20 Gospel 41:50 Sermon preached by Fr John Deane, Executive Director, Anglican Board of Mission 54:20 The Creed 57:22 The Prayers of the Faithful 1:02:02 The Penitential Rite 1:03:04 The Greeting of Peace 1:04:20 The Offertory Hymn No. 161 – Wake, O wake! With tidings thrilling 1:10:20 The Eucharistic Prayer and Sanctus 1:23:36 The Lord’s Prayer 1:24:50 The Breaking of the Bread 1:26:00 Agnus Dei 1:28:50 Invitation to Communion 1:29:33 Communion 1:32:50 Communion Motet Canite tuba (Guerrero) 1:36:30 Communion Hymn No. 281 – Draw nigh, and take the body of the Lord 1:43:10 The Dismissal 1:45:30 Final Hymn No. 500 – Thy kingdom come! On bended knee 1:48:20 Announcements 1:52:00 Angelus 1:53:30 Organ Postlude