Foods Rich in Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) | Vitamin B1 Functions and Deficiency Symptoms | Plant based B1
Top 10 foods Rich in Vitamin B1 (Thiamine). Also discussed in brief about vitamin B1 functions or benefits and common deficiency Symptoms. All these foods are plant based foods or vegetarian sources. All the foods mention in the video found all over the world including India throughout the year and not too costly. Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine or thiamin, belongs to the vitamin B complex, is one of the eight B vitamins. Vitamin B1 plays an important role in our body. Functions of vitamin B1: 1. Thiamine (vitamin B1) helps to convert carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy for the smooth functioning of body including brain and nervous system. 2. Thiamine plays key role in the functioning of heart, muscles and nervous system. 3. Promotes healthy metabolism. 4. Good for healthy skin, hair, eye and liver function. 5. Strengthen immune system. 6. Improve brain function. 7. Regulates appetite. 8. Improve digestion. Common symptoms of vitamin B1 deficiency: 1. Loss of appetite which leads to rapid weight loss. 2. Muscle cramps. 3. Poor memory. 4. Enlarged heart or shortness of breath. 5. Chronic fatigue and low energy. 6. Beriberi disease – which affect the heat and nerve function severely. 7. Affect vision. Vitamin B1 or thiamine rich foods: Our body cannot produce vitamin B1 or thiamine. So, we depend on various thiamine-rich food sources as to prevent thiamine deficiency. In this video we will share top 10 best food sources of vitamin B1 or thiamine. All these foods mention in this video are from vegetarian sources. 1) Black beans: Black beans or black turtle beans, a variety of common bean which is classified as legumes. In 100 gram black beans it contains 0.24 mg thiamin. (approximately 20% of DV) 2) Brown rice: Brown rice is a naturally rich in vitamin B1 and 100 gm. brown rice contains 0.20 mg thiamin (approximately 15% of DV). 3) Oatmeal: Oatmeal is rich in Vitamin B1 or thiamin. One cup oatmeal contains 0.75 mg thiamine. (approximately 53% of DV) 4) Milk: Milk is one of good sources of thiamine. It is easily available in every part of the world. One cup milk contains 0.10 mg thiamin (approximately 7% of DV). 5) Whole wheat bread: One slice whole wheat bread provides you 0.10 mg thiamin (approximately 7% of DV). 6) Green peas: Green peas are great source of vitamin B1 or thiamine. One cup cooked green peas contains 0.30 mg thiamine (approximately 20% of DV). 7) Sesame seeds: Sesame seeds are also loaded with thiamine. In 50 gram of sesame seeds we get 0.37 mg thiamin (approximately 25% of DV). 8) Sunflower seeds: Among seeds sunflower seeds contain maximum thiamin. 100 gm. Sunflower seeds contain 0.30 mg thiamin (approximately 20% of DV). 9) Sweet potato: In 100 gm. Sweet potato we will get 0.21 mg thiamin which is approximately 15% of DV. 10) Spinach: Among green vegetable spinach is one of the good source of thiamine. 100 gm. cooked spinach contain 0.17 mg thiamin which is approximately 12 % of DV. All the information collected from books, Google search engine. The Images used in the video are free images available for use. These are downloaded from https://images.google.com/ (Usage rights – Leveled for reuse with modification). All these images are under CC0 License - Free for personal and commercial use and No attribution required. DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational and informational purposes only. While we have tried to ensure that the information is sound and accurate, we cannot guarantee its accuracy. The information in this video should not be substituted for professional medical advice and opinions. If you are experiencing any ailments, serious or otherwise, always seek professional medical treatment and advice. Other heal videos; 1) Top 10 immune-boosting foods in winter | Boost immune system naturally | Foods for cold and flu • Top 10 immune-boosting foods in winte... 2) Top 10 Health Benefits of Eating Orange | Orange Nutrition Facts and Benefits • Top 10 Health Benefits of Eating Oran... 3) Top 10 Health benefits of Broccoli • Top 10 Health benefits of Broccoli 4) Top 10 Brain Foods for Children | Best Superfoods to Boost Brain Power for Kids • Top 10 Brain Foods for Children | Bes... 5) Top 10 amazing health benefits of Figs (Anjeer) • Top 10 amazing health benefits of Fig... 6) 9 Basic Yoga Mudras for Good Health and Happiness • 9 Basic Yoga Mudras for Good Health a... 7) Top 9 Amazing Health Benefits of Banana Flowers | Banana Heart Benefits • Top 9 Amazing Health Benefits of Bana... 8) Top 10 Health Benefits of Custard Apple (Sitaphal) • Top 10 Health Benefits of Custard App... Music from YouTube Audio Library Follow us on: Facebook: / icaniwillvideos Subscribe ► / icaniwillvideos