how to make tasty matar paneer | होटल वली मजेदार मटर पनीर रेसिपी घर में

how to make tasty matar paneer | होटल वली मजेदार मटर पनीर रेसिपी घर में

#how to make tasty matar paneer #desistylematarpaneer #restaurantstylematerpaneer In this video i will show you how to make tasty matar paneer ? You will lick your fingers after eating this. Matar paneer made with minimum ingredients which is easily available in kitchen and it taste like restaurant. In this video i will show you how to make desi style matar paneer so easily in your kitchen but it's taste is very authentic and it's very easy matar paneer recipe. If you enjoyed watching my videos then comment me below. Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE and SUBSCRIBE my channel.    / @aishaskitchenn   Follow me on - Twitter :   / aishafaisal1   Instagram:   / aisha_hobbies   Facebook Page:   / aishaskitchen-105282387862402   For 2 min healthy Sandwich recipe click on link    • Chicken Sandwich in 5 mins |सैंडविच 5...   For Anokhi kheer recipe click    • खीर बनाने का नया तरीका।Anokhi Rice kh...