Holy Mass and Baptism of Infants (2023) || Live from the Vatican

Holy Mass and Baptism of Infants (2023) || Live from the Vatican

LIVE: Holy Mass and Baptism of Infants from the Vatican St. John Paul II began the papal tradition of baptizing children in the Sistine Chapel on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord on Jan. 11, 1981. “To baptize a child is an act of justice toward them. Why? Because at Baptism we offer a treasure, at Baptism we offer a pledge: the Holy Spirit. Baptism endows the child with the strength of the Holy Spirit: the Spirit that will defend and assist each of them throughout life. This is why it is so important to baptize them when they are little, so that they may grow with the strength of the Holy Spirit.” For uninterrupted service, watch online at ShalomWorld.org/live ---------------- This content is copyrighted to Shalom World. Any unauthorized reproduction, redistribution, or re-upload is strictly prohibited. Action will be taken against those who violate the copyright conditions. If you are interested in collaborating with Shalom World or for any media related queries, you can contact us at [email protected] ---------------- YouTube Channels ---------------- Shalom World:    / shalomworld   Shalom World Español:    / shalomworldespañol   Shalom World Deutsch:    / shalomworlddeutsch   SW Prayer:    / swprayerlive   SW News:    / swnewschannel   ---------------- Websites ---------------- Shalom World: https://www.shalomworld.org Support us at: https://shalomworld.org/donate SW Prayer: https://www.swprayer.org/ Shalom Peace Fellowship: https://www.shalomworld.org/peacefell... Shalom Tidings: https://www.shalomtidings.org SW+: https://www.shalomworld.org/swplus Shalom Media: https://shalommedia.org/ SW Pals: http://swpals.org/ ---------------- Social Media ---------------- Facebook:   / shalomworld   Instagram:   / shalomworldtv   Twitter:   / shalomworldtv   LinkedIn:   / shalom-world   Shalom World Regions: (Facebook) Europe:   / europeshalomworld   Australia:   / shalomworldaustralia   Asia-Africa:   / shalomworldasiaafrica   ---------------- Mobile Apps ---------------- Shalom World iOS App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shalom-... Shalom World Android App: https://tinyurl.com/sworldtvapp Connected TV: https://www.shalomworld.org/watchon/ Shalom Tidings iOS App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shalom-... Shalom Tidings Android App: https://tinyurl.com/shalomtidings