March 12 Latin Mass - Wednesday First Week of Lent - Fr. Andreas Kramarz, Legionary of Christ

March 12 Latin Mass - Wednesday First Week of Lent - Fr. Andreas Kramarz, Legionary of Christ

Latin Mass Live-Stream on March 12, 2025, Wednesday in the First Week of Lent, in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite (Novus Ordo, Vatican II). Following along with a Missal in your language is recommended, especially for the readings. A brief introduction is given in English and Spanish in the place of a homily. Enjoy the spiritual beauty and simplicity of the Eucharistic liturgy in Latin online. Artwork: Jonah Preaching in Niniveh (artist unknown) Music: Gregorian chant (public domain) To support our 44 seminarians at the Legion of Christ College in Cheshire, CT, USA, preparing for the priesthood, you can help us here: Thank you!