Beta Test (Sci-Fi | Thriller | full movie in German | HD)

Beta Test (Sci-Fi | Thriller | full movie in German | HD)

🌌 Watch new films online every day - subscribe now: 🎬 Master gamer Max Troy discovers that the events in a new video game are being reflected in the real world, and must team up with the game's protagonist, Orson Creed, to uncover the conspiracy before the game's sinister plan overtakes the city. BETA TEST (2016) Original title: Beta Test With: Manu Bennett, Larenz Tate, Linden Ashby Director: Nicholas Gyeney FSK: Approved for ages 16 and up TABLE OF CONTENTS: During a test round for the latest first-person shooter from global game company 'Sentinel', programmer Max Troy (Larenz Tate) discovers that his actions in the game have an impact on reality... #SciFi #ScienceFiction #ScienceFictionFilm COPYRIGHT: The license to publish this film on YouTube has been duly acquired. If you have any questions, please contact: [email protected] PLAION PICTURES is a serious and legal video on demand company located in Berlin, Germany. We are holding proper license for all of our published movies. For any questions contact [email protected]