My Health Coaching BLUEPRINT: The 5 Things I Check In Every Session
#healthcoaching #healthblueprint #healthassessment #HealthCoachingBasics My Health Coaching BLUEPRINT: The 5 Things I Check In Every Session Health Coach 101. When you're working with a client and they bring up HEALTH, WEIGHT... things that are health related... Five things that I want to LOOK at: SLEEP. Sleep is absolutely critical to health. If their sleep is not relatively optimal, that could lead to HEADACHES, WEIGHT gain. STRESS is a big one. And stress can, of course, impact sleep. Third, WATER. Most people don't drink ANY water, or enough water, or they're guzzling CALORIES, basically, rather than water to get the liquid that they need to hydrate. Then of course there's NUTRITION, CALORIES, and FOOD. Are they eating absolute GARBAGE? Are they eating ORGANIC? Are they eating something that's HURTING them? Most of your clients will DIG THEIR GRAVE with their TEETH. And almost nothing else is necessary for them to HURT themselves or even KILL themselves... just DIET. And then finally, EXERCISE and ACTIVITY. Depending on activity levels, and how much somebody's exercising, they could feel LETHARGIC, they could have health issues that come from that. So, FIVE things. Sleep. Stress. Water. Nutrition and Calories. And Exercise. Check in with your client to find something that is contributing to whatever issues are health related.