"The Last of Us Part 1 Chapter 4: Bill's Town - Intense Encounters & Survival Strategies!"

"The Last of Us Part 1 Chapter 4: Bill's Town - Intense Encounters & Survival Strategies!"

In The Last of Us, Bill's Town is the fourth chapter of the game and takes place in Lincoln, Massachusetts. In this chapter, Joel and Ellie try to find a car with the help of Bill, a smuggler and survivalist. Here are some details about Bill's Town: Location Bill's Town takes place in Lincoln, Massachusetts, which is almost completely deserted by humans but has a large population of clickers. Bill Bill is a smuggler and survivalist who defends his town from hostile humans and infected. He has converted the church into an armory and a small bar into a safehouse. Artifacts Bill's Town has 11 artifacts, 3 Firefly Pendants, 5 Optional Conversations, and 1 Training Manual. Safe There is a safe in Bill's Town that can be found behind a truck. To find the code, run past the truck and head to the end of the street to find a note on a barricade. Clickers There are a large number of infected clickers past the graveyard gate, especially at Lincoln High School.