8.00am Sunday 16th January 2022 Traditional Holy Communion The Second Sunday after Epiphany

8.00am Sunday 16th January 2022 Traditional Holy Communion The Second Sunday after Epiphany

Apologies for lack of sound on this video. 8.00am Traditional Holy Communion in church and online via Facebook live. Readings: Romans 12.6-16 & John 2.1-11 Preacher: Rev. Beverley Sproats Church is open daily for private prayer. 8.00am & 9.30am also available later on YouTube https://tinyurl.com/jerseystjohnyoutube To give to the ministry and mission of St. John's Parish Church, Jersey, please follow this link https://tinyurl.com/stjohnschurchje to our online giving page. To sign up to receive the latest news on services and events, please click on http://eepurl.com/g-zaH9