Rare Anthurium Carlablackiae Unboxing | Monstera Adansonii Aurea Propagation Update : Moss vs Water

Rare Anthurium Carlablackiae Unboxing | Monstera Adansonii Aurea Propagation Update : Moss vs Water

Hello everyone! I can’t wait to unbox with you an extremely rare and one of the most sought after anthurium that I’ve got from Grow Tropicals which is the Anthurium carlablackiae.🥳🪴 The second topic for this video is a 16th Day Update for my propagation of Monstera Adansonii Variegated Aurea and we will find out which is a better way of propagating the Monstera Adansonii Aurea, sphagnum moss or water.🤔 Please like and share the video, comment below and subscribe to my channel for more updates on David Austin Roses in our garden and other gardening tips.🥰💐 Hope you’ll enjoy the video!🤗❤️ Happy Gardening!🤗🌹 I have linked the items to my Amazon StoreFront on what I’ve used in weatherstripping my cabinet below. I hope you’ll find them useful! As an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you!🥰 https://amzn.to/3mlX1WU Please click on the link below to subscribe to my channel and be updated with the latest videos:    / @janelynschannel   Please follow me: 🌿Instagram:   / janelyns_channel   Please watch my other videos: Super Rare Plants HAUL! The Rare Plant Shop+Eastern Tropicals|Rare Philodendron Anthuriums Unboxing    • Super Rare Plants HAUL! The Rare Plan...   QUICK & EASY Way of Propagating Monstera Adansonii Variegated Aurea Using Sphagnum Moss and Water    • QUICK & EASY Way of Propagating Monst...   IKEA Milsbo Greenhouse Cabinet Plant Tour! 🪴Rare and Uncommon Plants Inside September 2022🌿    • IKEA Milsbo Greenhouse Cabinet Plant ...   #unboxingplants #unboxingAnthuriumcarlablackiae #propagationupdate#growtropicals #rarehouseplants #rareplant #gardening #rarehouseplants #rareplants #rareplant #rareplantcollector #indoorplants #indoorjungle #indoorgarden #indoorgardening #garden #indoorplantsdecor #aroid #rareplants #aroidcollector 🎶Where my music is from🎵 https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra... ES_Just One More Night With You - Thiago  ES_True - Ten Towers