Saturday of 25th Week of Ordinary Time, Year 2. Saturday 24th September 2022 FIRST READING From the BOOK of ECCLESIASTES N11: 9-12: 8 THEME Remember your CREATOR in the DAYS of YOUR YOUTH. Before the DUST RETURNS to the EARTH as it once came from it and the BREATH of GOD. A READING from the BOOK of PSALMS PSALM 89 RESPONSE O LORD YOU have been our REFUGE from ONE GENERATION to the NEXT A READING from the HOLY GOSPEL According to LUKE 9: 43-45 THEME The SON of MANis going to be HANDED OVER into the POWER of MEN and they were AFRAID to ask HIM what HE had just said Then as 24th September is DEDICATED to OUR LADY of WALSINGHAM I read some of the History by Colin Stephenson called WALSINGHAM WAY UP to Page 30 and the PREFACE ISBN 0 232 51137 3 A VERY OLD BOOK PUBLISHED BY DARTON, LONGMAN & TODD LONDON WALSINGHAM- ENGLAND NAZARETH--- is one of the most remarkable phenomena in ENGLISH CHURCH life this CENTURY. A RESTORED MEDIEVAL SHRINE in a remote part of NORFOLK to which Thousands of PILGRIMS JOURNEY every year. An Eleventh Century LADY of the MANOR had a VISIONS of MARY and following Instructions built a REPLICA of Christ's Home in NAZARETH. A HEALING WELL Sprang up. PILGRIMS came, MIRACLES happened. But the REFORMATION saw the end of the SHRINE until 1921 when father HOPE PATTEN Restored it. A HOLY and entertaining eccentric, he was ADMINISTRATOR at Walsingham until Colin Stephenson succeeded him WHO is the AUTHOR of the BOOK I read from. WALSINGHAM WAY is the FIRST FULL length book about the SHRINE and about HOPE PATTEN. It is a Story told with candour and a good deal of humour by the one man ideally qualified to tell it. The book only cost 50 shillings net that is how old it is!! I only yet snippets. If people are interested in hearing more please let me know and I might record some more of it. Sadly my computer cut out before I signed off. SORRY