My daughter Salish travels into the future to see the most incredible moments of her life! Follow Elan on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@elan_gwen?_t=... Follow us on Instagram: Salish: / salishmatter Me: / jordanmatter Elan: / elangwenev Alec (husband): / alecdeanboeschen Brad (football player): / justbradadams Gymnasts: / emily.beznos & / babet_rg California Rhythms: / california_rhythms Thank you Tatiana at California Rhythms: https://www.californiarhythms.com SUBSCRIBE: Say and dad: / @jordanmatter Salish vlogs: / @salishmatter Hudson Matter: / @hudsonmatter Thumbnail design: @aamirdzn (twitter) Subscribe to my Photo Challenges channel to see FATHER VS DAUGHTER: / @jordanmatterphotochallenges MERCH: https://shopjordanmatter.com/ Business Inquiries: [email protected] Video by Sandy Chase Music licensed through Artlist and Epidemic Sound Wow, if you're still reading you are awesome! BOOOMMMM!!