As 2024 comes to an end, and the new year is upon us it’s always amazing to look back and see how fast it all went by. Kids sometimes don’t see how fast life is going to go , so today I decided to show Rock Squad Faye and Jack a little glimpse into the future and look back into the past, and i try to teach them to be grateful for each moment because despite all the ups and downs their beautiful lives will be over in the blink of an eye and my hope is that they can enjoy each moment living in love, and in gratitude. Celebrate the good times and breathe through the bad ones, because each moment is a gift. Love you guys so much and thanks for watching us in 2024 🙏 Comment below your favorite part of their lives in this video , and let us know if we should do this video for other members of the squad This video was inspired by Jordan Matter , see his video below and on the end screen @jordanmatter MY DAUGHTER AGES 1-50 • MY DAUGHTER AGES 1-50 Jordan has been a huge inspiration and mentor to me as a YouTuber , and I’m very grateful to have learned from him. 💖 Watch our Recent Videos: HE CAME TO HER RESCUE! | Pom Pom Diaries Season 3 Finale : Ep 301-306 • HE CAME TO HER RESCUE! | Pom Pom Di... SHE EXPOSED OUR SECRET! 😩 • RELATIONSHIP ADVICE FROM TEENS 😍 |... FINDING OUR CHRISTMAS CRUSH 😘 • FINDING OUR CHRISTMAS CRUSH 😘 THE TWEENS SECRET INITIATION!🤫 • THE TWEENS SECRET INITIATION!🤫 Fr/ Not Enough Nelsons in this video: @THEROCKSQUAD @ROCKSQUADMOM (Nicole) @jackaustin1 @Fayeknightly @nayelilovera @ROCKSQUADMOM @rydertullymusic @nayelilovera @anissienna Subscribe: @THEROCKSQUAD @ROCKSQUADVLOGS @ROCKSQUADGAMING @ROCKSQUADMOM @ROCKSQUADSTUDIOS @ROCKSQUADPOD More awesome videos Dhar Mann • GIRL BULLIED For Her GREEN SKIN! | Dh... Nen Fam • MOViNG OUT OF THE CASTLE HOUSE! WHO W... CONTACT: nicolette@rockdigitaltalent.com